"I am delighted to share my experience with the renovation of our apartment carried out by Taros. Our renovation was a big project, but everything went smoothly and without complications. They kept us informed about what they were doing and what to expect in the coming days. I was impressed by the professionalism and expertise of the entire team. I recommend Taros to anyone looking to renovate their apartment with minimal stress."
Goran D.
"S prenovo smo dolgo časa odlašali, saj smo se bali, kaj vse bo šlo narobe in koliko časa bo trajalo. Da smo izbrali Taros, je bila naša najboljša odločitev. Za vse so poskrbeli, mi pa smo komaj sledili, kako hitro se je vse odvijalo. Vsak majster je opravili svoje delo, vsi so bili zelo natančni in strokovni. Presenečena sem bila nad njihovo usklajenostjo, nihče ni rekel 'to je narobe, kdo pa vam je to naredil'.
Rezultati so neverjetni - naše stanovanje je sedaj sanjsko in še raje sem doma 🙂 . Hvala Taros!"
Nina M.
"I was considering replacing my roof when a friend told me about Taros. They explained the benefits, the process, and which roofing materials are suitable for painting, luckily, mine was among them. I calculated the costs and realized that I would save a lot by painting, and the effect is the same or even better.
After I made the decision, everything went very quickly, and today my roof looks like new. Thank you, Taros - you are truly kind and professional!"
Toni L.
"The Taros company truly exceeded all my expectations when it comes to painting our roof. Their team was extremely professional from start to finish. They thoroughly cleaned and impregnated the roof, and then painted it in the anthracite color I had been wanting ever since we painted the facade. I even went to check on the roof myself, and I couldn't find any mistakes anywhere. They painted with great precision. The result is a beautiful roof that looks like new. I happily recommend them to everyone!"
Matija V.
Odlična komunikacija od začetka do konca. Hiter odziv na povpraševanje, prilagoditve in spremembe projekta so potekale brez težav. Krasna ekipa. Mojstri so hitri in natančni. Cenovno ugodno glede na to, da se nam ni bilo treba ukvarjati z logistiko vsakega dela projekta posebej. Priporočam vsakemu, ki želi hitro in kvalitetno urejen dom.
Anita K.